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Sep 28, 2015

This Week in Geek LIVE  at the Blue Box Cafe in Elgin, IL September 26, 2015.  Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at  You can write to us at and let us know what you think.  Be sure to rate us and review the episode.  It really helps other people find us.  Thanks!  

Topics covered ~

Maniac Cop, John Hyams, Taken, Guillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim 2, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Star Wars Battlefront, CHIPS, Kristen Bell, Dax Shepard, Ghostbusters, The Walk, Phillipe Petit, Peanuts, Angry Birds, Prometheus, Alien Paradise Lost, Furious 8, A Team, Tron 3, Nightmare on Elm Street, Oculus Rift, John Goodman, Kong Skull Island, Gotham, Court of Owls, Red Tornado, Flamingo